





心動脈球 bulbus arteriosus cordis (拉)

動脈球 bulbus arteriosus(拉)

主動脈干 truncus aortae(拉)

肺動脈干 pulmonary trunk, truncus pulmonalis(拉)

主肺動脈膈 aortico-pulmonary septum

球嵴 bulbar ridge

球室袢 bulboventricular loop

球室溝 bulboventricular sulcus

房室溝 atrioventricular groove,AVG

房室管 atrioventricular canal, AVC

房室孔 atrioventricular orifice, AVO
房室瓣 atrioventricular valve, AVV

竇房瓣 sinoatrial valve

竇房孔 sinoatrial orifice

第一房間隔 septum primum(拉)

第二房間隔 septum secundum(拉)

假隔 septum spurium(拉)

第一房間孔 foramen primum(拉)

第二房間孔 foramen secundum(拉)

卵圓孔 foramen ovale(拉)

卵圓孔瓣 valve of foramen ovale

竇隔 sinus septum(拉)

界嵴 crista terminalis(拉)

分嵴 crista dividens(拉)

室間孔 interventricular foramen

室間隔 interventricular septum

室間溝 interventricular groove

瓣膜隆起 valve swelling

室間隔肌部 muscular part of interventricular septum

室間隔膜部 membranous part of interventricular septum

背主動脈 dorsal aorta

腹主動脈 ventral aorta

卵黃動脈 vitelline artery

臍動脈 umbilical artery

弓動脈 aortic arch

動脈囊 aortic sac

節(jié)間動脈 intersegmental artery

前主靜脈 anterior cardinal vein

后主靜脈 posterior cardinal vein

總主靜脈 common cardinal vein, duct of Cuvier

上主靜脈 supracardinal vein

下主靜脈 subcardinal vein

卵黃靜脈 vitelline vein

臍靜脈 umbilical vein
靜脈導管 ductus venosus(拉)

靜脈韌帶 ligamentum venosum(拉)

頸淋巴囊 jugular lymph sac

髂淋巴囊 iliac lymph sac

腹膜后淋巴囊 retroperitoneal lymph sac

肺動脈閉鎖 pulmonary artery atresia

肺動脈狹窄 pulmonary artery stenosis

動脈導管未閉 patent ductus arteriosus

內臟反位 situs inversus viscerum (拉)

主動脈狹窄 aorta stenosis

主動脈瓣狹窄 aortic valve stenosis

右位心 dextrocardia(拉)

體外心 ectopia cordis(拉)

房間隔缺損 atrial septal defect

室間隔缺損 ventricular septal defect

膜性室間隔缺損 membranous septal defect

肌性室間隔缺損 muscular septal defect

室間隔缺如 absence of the interventricular septum

動脈干永存 persistent truncus arteriosus

主動脈肺動脈間隔缺損 aortopulmonary septal defect

主動脈肺動脈錯位 transposition of great vessels

動脈干分隔不均 unequal division of truncus arteriosus

房室管永存 persistent atrioventricular canal

肺動脈瓣狹窄 pulmonary valve stenosis

右主動脈弓 right aortic arch

雙主動脈弓 double aortic arch

法洛四聯(lián)癥 tetralogy of Fallot

法洛三聯(lián)癥 trilogy of Fallot

三尖瓣閉鎖 tricuspid atresia

二尖瓣閉鎖 mitral atresia

卵圓孔未閉 patent oval foramen

兩腔心 cor biloculare (拉)

三腔心 cor triloculare(拉)
無心畸形 acardia

神經板 neural plate

神經溝 neural groove

神經褶 neural fold

神經管 neural tube

神經嵴 neural crest

原始腦泡 primary cerebral vesicle

前腦 prosencephalon

中腦 mesencephalon

菱腦 rhombencephalon

菱腦峽 rhombencephalic isthmus

端腦 telencephalon

間腦 diencephalon

后腦 metencephalon

末腦 myelencephalon

前神經孔 anterior neuropore

后神經孔 posterior neuropore

神經上皮 neuroepithelium

成神經管細胞 medulloblast

成[神經]膠質細胞 glioblast,spongioblast

成星形膠質細胞 astrocytoblast

成少突膠質細胞 oligodendroblast

成神經細胞 neuroblast

無極成神經細胞 apolar neuroblast

單極成神經細胞 unipolar neuroblast

雙極成神經細胞 bipolar neuroblast

多極成神經細胞 multipolar neuroblast

原始室管膜層 primitive ependymal layer

室管膜層 ependymal layer

套層 mantle layer
[邊]緣層 marginal layer

界溝 sulcus limitans(拉)

基板 basal plate

翼板 alar plate

頂板 roof plate

底板 floor plate

頸曲 cervical flexure

頭曲 cephalic flexure

中腦曲 mesencephalic flexure

腦橋曲 pontine flexure

端腦曲 telencephalic flexure

菱腦溝 rhombic groove
  胚第 4 周出現于菱腦基板的橫溝。

菱腦節(jié) rhombomere,neuromere

拉特克囊 Rathke pouch

神經垂體芽 neurohypophyseal bud

顱[底]咽管 basipharyngeal canal, craniopharyngeal canal

顱咽管瘤 craniopharyngioma

菱唇 rhombic lip

小腦板 cerebellar plate

原始腦[脊]膜 primitive meninx

內腦[脊]膜 endomeninx

外腦[脊]膜 exomeninx

腦旁體 paraphysis

原始皮質 primitive cortex, fetal cortex

原皮質 archipallium,archicortex

舊皮質 palaeopallium

新皮質 neopallium, neocortex

海馬始基 hippocampal rudiment

神經溝未閉 asyntaxia dorsalis[拉]

無腦畸形 anencephaly

腦積水 hydrocephalus

腦[脊]膜膨出 meningocele

脊髓脊膜膨出 meningomyelocele

脊髓裂 myeloschisis

新小腦發(fā)育不全 neocerebellar agenesis

脊髓縱裂 diastematomyelia,diastomyelia

腦膜腦膨出 meningoencephalocele

積水性腦膜腦膨出 meningohydroencephalocele

露腦 exencephaly

孔洞腦 porencephaly

交感成神經細胞 sympathetic neuroblast

腦過小 microencephaly

阿-基氏腦畸形 Arnold-Chiari malformation

前嗜鉻組織 prechromaffin tissue

[腎上腺]胎性皮質 fetal cortex, X-zone

先天性腎上腺皮質增生癥 congenital adrenal cortical hyperplasia

[腎上腺]永久皮質 permanent cortex

視[基]板 optic plate,ophthalmic placode

視溝 optic groove, optic sulcus

視泡 optic vesicle

視杯 optic cup

視柄 optic stalk

視網膜內間隙 intraretinal space

脈絡膜裂 choroid fissure

晶狀體[基]板 lens placode

晶狀體泡 lens vesicle

虹膜瞳孔膜 iridopupillary membrane

瞳孔膜 pupillary membrane

瞼裂 coloboma of eyelid, palpebral coloboma

虹膜裂 coloboma of iris, coloboma iridis(拉)

無虹膜 aniridia(拉)
虹膜瞳孔膜存留 persistent iridopupillary membrane

瞳孔膜存留 persistent pupillary membrane

無晶狀體 aphakia

小眼 microphthalmia

無眼 anophthalmia

獨眼 cyclopia

隱眼 cryptophthalmos, cryptophthalmia

先天性青光眼 congenital glaucoma, buphthalmos

先天性視網膜剝離 congenital detachment of retina

先天性白內障 congenital cataract

聽[基]板 otic placode

聽泡 otic vesicle, otocyst

咽鼓管鼓室隱窩 tubotympanic recess

氣腔形成 pneumatization

外耳道栓 meatal plug

外耳道閉鎖 atresia of external acoustic meatus

耳丘 auricular hillock, auricular tubercle

先天性耳聾 congenital deafness

無耳 anotia

小耳 microtia, hypoplasia of auricle

副耳郭 accessory auricle

耳郭附件 auricular appendage

先天性耳郭囊腫 congenital auricular cyst

先天性耳凹 congenital auricular pit

耳竇 auricular sinus

先天性耳前瘺 congenital preauricular fistula

先天性鐙骨固定 congenital fixation of stapes

膜顱 desmocranium

軟骨顱 chondrocranium
臟顱 viscerocranium, splanchnocranium

腦顱 neurocranium

眶顱 orbitocranium

骨顱 osteocranium

顱梁 trabecula cranium(拉)

垂體軟骨 hypophyseal cartilage

索旁軟骨 parachordal cartilage

耳囊軟骨 otic capsule cartilage

枕生骨節(jié) occipital sclerotome

鼻囊軟骨 nasal capsule cartilage

枕軟骨 occipital cartilage

麥克爾軟骨 Meckel cartilage

賴歇特軟骨 Reichert cartilage

翼方軟骨 pterygoquadrate cartilage

耳囊 otic capsule

眼囊 optic capsule

枕外軟骨 exoccipital cartilage

囟[門] fontanelle

前外側囟 anterolateral fontanelle,sphenoid fontanelle

后外側囟 posterolateral fontanelle,mastoid fontanelle

翼狀層 pterygoid lamina

軟骨發(fā)育不全 chondrodysplasia

短頸畸形 brevicollis, Klippel-Feil syndrome

隱性脊柱裂 spina bifida occulta(拉)

脊柱裂 rachischisis

副肋 accessory rib

融合肋 fused rib

半脊椎 hemivertebra

脊柱側凸 scoliosis

胸骨裂 cleft sternum
無顱蓋 acrania

顱裂 cranioschisis

顱縫早閉 craniosynostosis

舟狀頭 scaphocephaly

尖形頭 oxycephaly,turricephaly

斜形頭 plagiocephaly

小頭 microcephaly

肌管 myotube

肌原細胞 myogenous cell, myoblast

鰓弓肌 branchial muscle

枕[部]肌節(jié) occipital myotome

耳前肌節(jié) preotic myotome

眶[部]肌節(jié) orbital myotome

頸[部]肌節(jié) cervical myotome

腰[部]肌節(jié) lumbar myotome

尾[部]肌節(jié) caudal myotome

體壁肌節(jié) body wall myotome

上肢肌節(jié) upper limb myotome

下肢肌節(jié) lower limb myotome

軸上軀干肌 epiaxial muscle

軸下軀干肌 hypaxial muscle

尿[生]殖竇括約肌 urogenital sinus sphincter

肢芽 limb bud

鰭狀肢芽 flipper-like limb bud

槳狀手板 paddle-shaped hand plate

槳狀足板 paddle-shaped foot plate

蹼狀趾 webbed toe

分離指 separated finger

分離趾 separated toe

無肢 amelia

殘肢 meromelia

半肢 hemimelia
四肢不全 peromelia

缺肢 ectromelia

短肢 phocomelia

并肢 synpodia

裂手 cleft hand

裂足 cleft foot

蝦爪狀畸形 lobster-claw deformity

畸形手 clubhand

畸形足 clubfoot

橈骨缺如 absence of radius

小形指 microdactyly

小形趾 microdactyly

短指 brachydactyly

短趾 brachydactyly

多指 polydactyly

多趾 polydactyly

并指 syndactyly

并趾 syndactyly

[重]復足 duplication of foot

復拇指 duplication of the thumb

馬蹄內翻足 talipes equinovarus(拉)

馬蹄外翻足 talipes equinovalgus(拉)

先天性髖關節(jié)脫臼 congenital dislocation of hip

周皮 periderm

角化珠 horny pearl

毛芽 hair bud

胎毛 lanugo [hair]

毫毛 vellus(拉)

胎脂 vernix caseosa(拉)

甲小皮 nail cuticle

終毛 terminal hair

生毛基 germinal hair matrix

生角質區(qū) keratogenous zone

色素痣 nevus(拉)

胎斑 mongolian spot

血管瘤 hemangioma

白化病 albinism

多毛癥 hypertrichosis

無毛癥 atrichosis, atrichia

稀毛癥 hypotrichosis

先天性無發(fā) congenital alopecia

多乳房 multimammas, polymastia

無乳房 amastia

多乳頭 supernumerary nipples

過度角化[癥] hyperkeratosis

魚鱗病 ichthyosis

片層狀魚鱗癬 lamellar ichthyosis

花斑胎 harlequin fetus

角化不良癥 dyskeratosis

外胚層發(fā)育不良癥 ectodermal dysplasia

皮膚松弛癥 cutis laxa

皮樣囊腫 dermoid cyst

藏毛囊腫 pilar cyst

多發(fā)性皮脂囊腫 steatocystoma multiplex(拉)

新生兒硬皮癥 sclerema neonatorum(拉)

胚胎工程 embryo engineering

生殖工程 reproduction engineering

試管嬰兒 test tube baby

體外受精 in vitro fertilization

體內受精 in vivo fertilization

胚胎培養(yǎng) embryo culture

胚胎移植 embryo transfer, ET

陰道內培養(yǎng) intravaginal culture, IVC
配子輸卵管內移植 gamete intra-Fallopian transfer, GIFT

合子輸卵管內移植 zygote intra-Fallopian transfer, ZIFT

誘發(fā)排卵 induced ovulation

超[數]排卵 superovulation

優(yōu)勢卵泡 dominant follicle

過熟卵泡 postmature follicle

不排卵 anovulation

卵冠丘復合體 oocyte-corona-cumulus complex, OCCC

冷藏精液 cryopreserved semen

冷藏胚胎 cryopreserved embryo

供卵 donor egg

精子穿卵試驗 egg penetration test

夫精人工授精 artificial insemination by husband, AIH

他精人工授精 artificial insemination by donor, AID

宮內人工授精 intrauterine insemination, IUI

轉化基因 transformed gene

轉化克隆 transformed clone

轉化體 transformant

轉基因動物 transgenic animal

卵核分裂 ookinesis

同核體 homokaryon

異核體 heterokaryon

鑲嵌雜種 mosaic hybrid

種間雜交 intervarietal hybridization

胚胎融合 embryo fusion

父性表型 patromorph

母性表型 matromorph

同源異形 homoeosis

同源異形突變體 homoeotic mutant


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